Thursday, May 10, 2012


Sometimes I don't really have any witty commentary with which to embellish the episodes of my life, but I still feel compelled to share them with someone:

Today a man who was clearly very high on drugs knocked on the door of the church and asked if he could sit on our lawn for the day while he was nursing back to health an injured Nutria which he was carrying in around in a suitcase. Now if you have never lived in a part of the world that has Nutria, then you can count yourself lucky. They resemble some sort of cross between a beaver and a giant rat, and if that sounds cute to you at all, believe me it isn't. They tend to live in swampy areas and are considered by nearly everyone to be somewhat disgusting. Everyone except this guy, that is:
Thanks to for this thanks to you guys for being really, really creepy gun-toting alarmists.

Anyway, long story short, I said "yes" of course, because I believed it was what Jesus would do--and if you think I didn't actually think to myself, "Would Jesus let Nutria-man use his lawn?", you are dreaming---and then spent LITERALLY the rest of the day gripped with fear that in addition to being strangely interested in hurt nutria, he was also an axe murderer who was surely going to butcher me as I sat alone in my office writing job descriptions for our new janitor position. When I went outside at the end of the day to find the nutria dead, I said, "I'm sorry about your pet dying." To which he responded, "He's getting better actually. We're almost done here."

And then I thought, thank God no one else lives in my mind and my life and is here to assess my capabilities or vocational direction. And then I posted the entire thing right here on this blog.


  1. Is that the dude in the picture? Yes we have nutria down here in Texas, and I spotted one swimming in a lake one night as a child in summer camp, and I still have nightmares. They look like the biggest swimming rat you've ever seen. That was incredibly Christian of you to let one be nursed back to health at your church. I might have pulled out a shot gun... every church in Texas has one.... j/k.

    P.S. When you get done with your job description for a janitor, can you write one up for me for nursery attendant? ;)
