Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So I could try to convince you that the reason that I haven't posted in a month was because I was on vacation, but really that was just a small part of the laziness and disinterest-in-being-inside that has characterized my entire summer. But as I am back, desperately trying to shake off that sense of wanting to do nothing, and simultaneously trying not to FREAK OUT that there is so much to do, I thought saying hello y'all would be a great and balanced act of denial to fill out my day today.

Also, I want to give a shout out to the dozens of people that I visited while on my vacation who informed me that they are ACTUALLY READING this, which on one level makes me FILLED WITH JOY and on another, shamed enough to want to get my act together and post something worth you clicking over. So welcome, clandestine readers who include some old, old friends, the parents of those old, old friends and some former ministers. I will now write with much more purpose knowing you are part of my audience.

But for now, let me share with you something that has taken on great meaning for me recently. And made me seriously consider changing my career from ministry to "amazingly-inane-and-yet-somehow-addictively-awesome jingle composer": 

1 comment:

  1. Emeline stomped her feet dancing to that one ;). The iphone app is hilarious! Glad you are back! You should put a counter on your blog or do google analytics so you can get that regular feedback of how awesome you are!
