Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What's Up Jesus on Steroids

One thing I would like to point out is that sometimes, good things do happen. Sometimes you are limping through life feeling like you've gotten the cold of the century, and then you find out what you actually have is bronchitis/pneumonia, for which they give you both antibiotics and steroids that allegedly will make you feel better, though what actually happens is that you don't feel better at all and now can't sleep at night and despite their reputations still don't make you feel like lifting weights or playing baseball. (Though perhaps I'll check back on that when I have oxygen actually flowing to my heart and brain again.)

And then just as you are dreading, dreading, dreading spending a super long day at work, leading a Lenten worship service which will involve massive amounts of singing (an activity which, it turns out, also requires regular oxygen flow.), and then moderating a meeting which is bound to last long into the night, you wake up and see this scene in the backyard of the home you just bought in the temperate climate of the NW:

And you think, even though you don't believe in divine intervention in exactly this cause-and-effect-way,

And you go back to bed. But not before feeding the dog, who apparently has not been fed in a while:

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Are you okay!?! And what are you doing with all those flower beds? Feeding the 5,000? (For some reason I can't see the video...)
