Monday, September 24, 2012

Wow! How Time Flies...

If asked what I did this summer, I could either answer "not too much" or "tons," depending on how one assesses the relative importance of summer activities.

I did not take any epic summer vacations. But I did make it around Crater Lake on my bicycle....

...and across all 10 bridges in Portland, OR. 

 I did not make any new friends. But I did reconnect with some old ones...

  ...and got to know the frog who lives in the plant next to our barbecue.

 I did not eat at many fancy restaurants. But I did learn to grow delicious things....

....and to preserve the things I grew.

I did not write on this blog. But I did write. In fact, I went to the place where they made this...

....and discovered that writing is a greater passion of mine than I had ever imagined when I started this blog.

And now I am in the process of figuring out what that means, what role writing will play in my life as I go forward, and how this blog will fit into that. I can imagine that like my summer it could either be "not much" or "a lot" both at the same time. 


  1. glad you had a good summer... and also glad that you're back in the ol' blog-o-sphere.

  2. Dr. Paul!!! Hope YOU had a good summer. Gallivanting around Europe I hear. Not bad. Also, glad to know you're a reader.
