Tuesday, June 12, 2012

An Actual Conversation

ring, ring, ring.

Me: ."Hello, _______ Presbyterian Church. This is LIOLI. How can I help you?"
Random woman: "Hi there. I'm thinking about coming to visit your church, but before I do I have some theological questions I'd like to speak to the pastor about."
Me: "Okay."
Random woman: "Well, I'd like to speak with the pastor. Can I speak with the pastor?"
Me: "You are speaking to her right now. How can I help you?
Random woman: "Well, one of my questions was whether or not you believe in ordaining women."
Me: "Well, yes, in the Presby.....



  1. Isn't it amazing that so many WOMEN are against ordaining women? I can't wrap my mind around it.

  2. You can't make this stuff up, right? At least in your denomination, people even have to pose the question...SIGH.

    p.s. so much hilarity on your blog recently that I've been digging. Had to smack you with a little award love: http://motheringspirit.wordpress.com/2012/06/15/blog-awards-bad-moods/
